Friday Feb 19, 2021
Rev Lasure of the Christian Brothers Interview
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
The Christian Brothers are a treasure to the body of Christ. Rev Lasure of the Christian talks about the history of the group, gives advice on how COVID-19 has impacted the church, and the music industry. Plus you'll hear the story behind the song, "Heavy Load" which has taken off all over the country. You don't want to miss this interview.
#thechristianbrothers #heavyload #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Simon Gordon Interview
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Bishop Simon Gordon is my guest and this interview and he talks about how COVID-19 has impacted his life, ministry, and music as an artist. His song, "I'm Gonna Run" is taking off all over the world and you'll find out why after you hear this interview!
#SimonGordon #ImGonnaRun #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Natalie J Interview
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Natalie J is passionate about God, music, and her career and you'll find out why when you listen to her in this incredible interview. Find out her inspiration behind her song, "Philippians 4:13". Listen now!
#NatalieJ #Philippians4 #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Tamika Foggie Interview
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
You don't want to miss this incredible interview with recording artist, Tamika Foggie! Her song "Always There" is not only different, but yes it actually has a country feel, listen and find out why!
#TamikaFoggie #alwaysthere #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Sjuwana & The Children of God Interview
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
This is an incredible interview with Sjuwana of the Children of God. You'll hear the incredible story of the history behind her group, and we'll talk about their amazing song, "Push To Get To the Promise", don't miss this interview!
#Sjuwana&TheChildrenofGod #Pushtogettothepromise #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Denita Gibbs Interview
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Denita Gibbs returns as my guest and she doesn't disappoint. We talk about life, music, family and her latest single, "Better Believe It". You don't want to miss this interview!
#DenitaGibbs #BetterBelieveIt #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Anthony Cathings & Bishop Cortez Vaughn Interview
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
This is one interview you don't want to miss! I'm speaking with Anthony Cathings and Bishop Cortez Vaughn about their new song "Forever". You'll get to hear how they came together for the body of Christ, the testimonies on God's hand on this project and how their able to push forward in this age of COVID19. You don't want to miss this interview!
#AnthonyCathings #BishopCortezVaughn #CortezVaughn #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Jamal Roberts Interview
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
If you watch the BET show Sunday Best then you've seen the talented and anointed Jamal Roberts and he's my guest on the Show! Jamal's song "He's Preparing Me" is taking off all over the world and you'll hear the history behind the song, what led him to Sunday Best and how he feels about his home town of Mississippi. Don't miss this interview!
#JamalRoberts #HesPreparingMe #BETSundayBest #realgospelwiththexman #radiointerview #radiopersonality #interviews #radioshowhost #radiolife #radioshow #internetradio #liveradio #radiodj #radio #internetradioshow #radiostation #globalradio #fmradio #syndicatedradio #Realgospelwiththexman #musicindustry #musicawards #gospelmusic #music #sing #recordingartist #xuamalawson